Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Lore of Aphrodite


(Ancient Greek Goddess of Love and Fertility)

     Aphrodite, Pinterest      


Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love from Greek mythology, in Roman mythology, Aphrodite is known as Venus. The Greek word aphros means "foam", Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by pieces of the genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after Cronus' son threw them into the sea.

Aphrodite's origin story begins with the primordial gods Uranus and Gaia. According to Hesiod's Theogony, their son Cronus was the ancestor of Uranus and married his sister Rhea – they had several children together, including Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera, Hestia, and Zeus.

However, through a process known as parthenogenesis or virgin birth, it is said that Aphrodite was born from the sea foam created when Cronus castrated Uranus – some accounts say she was brought ashore in Cyprus while others state that she was snatched from the sea by Uranus.

Although Homer called her “Cyprian” after the island chiefly famed for her worship, she was already Hellenized by the time of Homer, and, according to Homer, she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione, his consort at Dodona.

Cyprus, Mediteranian Sea


In Roman mythology, Aphrodite is called the goddess Venus. Even though their stories are similar, Venus is depicted as a more seductive figure than Aphrodite. In art, Venus wore less clothing and reclined in more sensual poses than Aphrodite of Greece.

Venus, Pinterest / The metropolitan museum of art


Aphrodite has been associated with certain symbols related to her personality, such as flowers, animals, plants, and object. These symbols were used by the ancient Greeks to represent them in their works of art and literature.

Flower : Roses

The rose is the most widely associated symbol of Aphrodite because it represents love, beauty, and passion. The goddess is often depicted carrying a bouquet of roses or surrounded by them in ancient art.


Animals : Swan

The swan is the symbol of Aphrodite, the swan represents the beauty and grace of the goddess. In some stories, Aphrodite is said to turn into a swan when fleeing from her enemies or when having a romantic relationship.

swan symbol, wikipedia

Animals : Dove

The dove is a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, the dove represents a symbol of peace and love. Doves have long been seen as messengers of the gods and kings, representing their power and influence

Dove symbol,

Plans : Apple Tree

The apple tree is a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, the apple tree is a symbol representing Aphrodite's strength, beauty and elegance

Apple, facebook / general knowledge

Plans : Myrtlee Tree

The myrtle tree is a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, the myrtle tree is a symbol that symbolizes eternal love and fertility.

Myrtle, classical-inquiries

Object : Mirror

Mirrors and other reflective surfaces are symbols of Aphrodite, they represent beauty, passion and romance.

Mirrors, Quora


Often we see ways for people to connect with their god or goddess, some to gain love, win a war, or make their farmland fertile, etc. Here's how people can connect with the goddess Aphrodite ;
  • Make an offering of roses to Aphrodite, their sweet fragrance and bright colors serve as a reminder of the goddess' power and beauty.
  • Write a love letter, write a letter about what love means to you or how much you appreciate the people closest to you. This method will definitely bring Aphrodite's influence into your life.
  • Spend time in nature, nature has long been symbolized by love, fertility and beauty.
  • Spend time with family, friends and people you love, this will show appreciation for the people in your life and will help bring the energy of Aphrodite's love into your life.
Aphrodite, Pinterest


Aphrodite is one of the 3 most beautiful goddesses on Olympus (Hera, Athena & Aphrodite). The beauty of Aphrodite was very tempting to gods and humans alike.

One day, King Peleus was holding a wedding with Thetis, all the gods & goddesses were invited to his wedding except Eris (Goddess of Discord.
There Eris was angry because she was not invited, then Eris threw a golden apple at King Peleus and claimed that she was the most beautiful goddess on Olympus.

Then the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite appeared before King Peleus, these three goddesses claimed to be the most beautiful goddesses on Olympus. The three of them grabbed the golden apple, the golden apple was written "for the most beautiful on Olympus". Then Aphrodite took the apple and told the god Zeus to admit that she was the most beautiful goddess on Olympus and deserved the apple.

But Zeus couldn't take sides, Zeus advised them to ask Paris (the most handsome man in the world). then the three goddesses immediately met Paris and promised gifts in exchange for recognizing who was the most beautiful.

                Hera, Athena & Aphrodite, Pinterest  

The three goddesses promised Paris as follows;

  • The goddess Athena promises Paris to become a great war leader.
  • The goddess Hera promised Paris to become a very rich King.
  • The goddess Aphrodite promised Paris to marry the most beautiful woman in the world, from the Kingdom of Sparta, named Helen.

Then Paris chose the offer made by Aphrodite, and he admitted that the goddess Aphrodite was the most beautiful on Olympus and gave the golden apple to the goddess.

Then Paris chose the offer made by Aphrodite, and he admitted that the goddess Aphrodite was the most beautiful on Olympus and gave the golden apple to the goddess. This was what triggered the great war between the Trojans and the Greeks which lasted for 10 years. The city of Troy was destroyed as a result of the great war.

Paris & Helen, Troy 


Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty, her beauty was even contested by the gods. This made Zeus worried, for fear of continued strife between the gods.

Hephaestus and Aphrodite, Pinterest

Finally Zeus arranged her marriage to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmithing. Unfortunately Hephaestus did not have a handsome face like the other gods and this did not produce good results for Aphrodite's marriage.

Aphrodite was unhappy with her marriage which was arranged by Zeus, this made Aphrodite have an affair with Ares, the god of war.


Ares is a very handsome and dashing god, this is because Ares is the god of war and is considered a suitable partner for the goddess Aphrodite. 

Ares & Aphrodite, Pinterest

Day after day Aphrodite pursued her love with Ares, until one day their affair was discovered by Hephaestus. It is said that the sun was the one who told Hephaestus about Aphrodite and Ares' affair.

Hephaestus didn't accept it, so Hephaestus planned a trap and told all the gods on Olympus about the affair. 

After having a love story with Ares, this did not make the goddess Aphrodite happy. In fact, this actually made Aphrodite fall into an abyss which made her life miserable

The god Ares is also said to have betrayed his love for the goddess Aphrodite by having a relationship with Eos. This caused Aphrodite to become angry with Eos and curse herself by living her life to find her true love, which in the end was in vain.

It is known that Aphrodite had many lovers and gave birth to many children but she never found the ideal partner to fulfill her hopes.


Her affair with Ares blessed her with many children and one of her famous children was Eros (Cupid), the God of love.

Cupid, Pinterest

Cupid became Aphrodite's favorite child who always obeyed his mother's orders, even if Aphrodite was jealous of the beauty of other women. Cupid was always ready to help with his love arrows.

The woman who made Aphrodite jealous of her beauty was Psyche. Psyche was famous for her beauty so that people worshiped her more than Aphrodite. 

This made Aphrodite angry because her beauty rivaled her, Aphrodite immediately gave orders to Cupid to use her love arrow, to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man in the world.

Cupid also failed to carry out his mother's assignment because he was fascinated by Psyche's beauty, this resulted in Cupid being scratched by his own arrow so this actually makes Cupid fall in love with Psyche.

Cupid & Psyche, Pinterest / wikimedia foundation

Aphrodite was annoyed and often gave Psyche difficult tasks. In the end, Psyche was able to carry out all the tasks given by Aphrodite and was allowed to have a relationship with Cupid.


Apart from that, Aphrodite also competed with Persephone (wife of the god Hades). Their dispute is over Adonis. The story begins with Aphrodite feeling sorry for the baby born from a tree. Adonis is said to be the curse of the gods on humans who sin, when the human was cursed, she was pregnant and cursed to become a tree.

The tree gave birth to a boy, then Aphrodite gave the baby the name Adonis, then Aphrodite entrusted him to Persephone to care for. Adonis grew up to become a handsome young man. When he was an adult, Aphrodite wanted to take Adonis back but Persephone refused, because she also liked Adonis.

This became a dispute between Aphrodite and Persephone, then Zeus as their father gave the order to resolve the problem. Zeus said Adonis could be with Persephone for 1/3 of a year, 1/3 of a year with Aphrodite and the other 1/3 of a year was up to him.

Through many adventures and perils, Aphrodite and Adonis were able to overcome every obstacle as long as they had faith in their love. However, despite it all, their love story ended tragically with Adonis death in a hunting accident. Possibly, it was Ares himself that killed Adonis.


Aphrodite has been celebrated since ancient Greece for her beauty, her power over love and passion, and her power to protect those she loves.

Apart from having relations with gods, Aphrodite also often had relations with humans. Aphrodite also contributed a lot to humans in matters of love. 

On Aphrodite's orders, Cupid will carry out his duties by shooting his love arrow. So that anyone who is hit by the arrow will fall in love.

Aphrodite, Pinterest / Faye Wildling

Alright lads, so that's the story about the goddess Aphrodite, more or less sorry if there are any mistakes. I hope you enjoy the story~

Source ; 
  • (Channel : Kode Alam)


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